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There is a lot happening at HBC. We would love for you to be a part of what God is doing here.

February 25
Valentine Banquet
February 14, 6:30pm 8:30pm
Cost: $15
Speaker: Rev Jerry Pyle
Please RSVP on the sign-up sheet in the foyer.
Kids are invited to a free Nerf Wars activity during dinner. Pizza will be provided. (See Bro. Jacob Mitchell for more information).

Kids Nerf Activity
Friday, February 14th 6:30 to 8:30 pm
(During the Valentine Banquet).
Bring your own Nerf Equipment
Free Pizza for dinner
Please RSVP on the Banquet sign-up sheet or to Bro. Jacob Mitchell

Youth Afterglow
Sunday, February 16, after the evening Service.
Food and games in the youth room. See a youth leader for more information.

Go Nights
Tuesday, February 18th
At 6 pm in the Chapel. RSVP for dinner and childcare.

Men's Prayer Breakfast
Sunday, February 23, at 7:30 am in the Fellowship Hall. Men join us for breakfast, a small devotion and prayer.
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