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Join us for these exciting events coming up! You and your family are not going to want to miss out!

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Howdy, Partners!
Join us as we gallop through the wonder-filled West, where our friends at Wonder Junction will teach us about the grandest wonder of all-Jesus Christ.

The whole family is invited to join us right here at Hillside from July 27th through 31st at 6 pm each night. 
Click on the Register Now Button to get your students signed up! 

Have questions?
We can help!

Each day, we'll dig deeper into who this awe-inspiring Jesus is, answering questions such as: 
  • What amazing things happened surrounding Jesus' birth?
  • What was Jesus like as a child? 
  • What wonders occurred during Jesus' ministry years? 
  • How were Jesus' death and resurrection like no other? 
  • What should we be doing as we wait for Jesus' return? 

Day 1: Jesus Is Born-Jesus is indeed the most important person ever born!

Day 2: Jesus At The Temple-Jesus is both God and man!

Day 3: Jesus Does Wondrous Things-Jesus has power to raise the dead!

Day 4: Jesus Dies and Lives Again-Jesus died, was buried, and rose again so that we could be saved!

Day 5: Jesus Is Coming Back-We should get busy serving God until Jesus comes back!

So dust off your boots, grab your bandana, and get ready for a rootin' tootin' good ol' time at Wonder Junction! 

Children's Ministry

Proverbs 22:6

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Loving Nurseries

At Hillside Baptist Church, we are committed to providing loving and caring nurseries for each child that God gives us.  Our caregivers are hand-selected to ensure quality care for your babies.  The nursery is located near the Sanctuary in case there is a need for the mother, and we provide a quiet room for any mother who wishes to be in services but also needs to care for their child. No matter your child's age level, we work hard to provide for their needs while they are entrusted to our care.  


With Bro. Lyndell and Gail Greer

At Hillside, The "Terrible Twos" are the Terrific Twos!  We love kids at every age!  We work hard to teach these precious gifts God's Word in a fun and exciting way.  Each week they learn from God's Word, have an activity, and learn to apply God's Word during play time on the playground outside or inside in their classroom.  The Toddler Class is offered for every service at Hillside Baptist Church.  Bring your child to make new friends and grow in God's Word to the 2's and 3's Class just outside the Sanctuary. 

With Jestina McClellan and Deanna Climer

What an exciting age, so full of discovery, fun, and messes!  Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarteners will find a fun and exciting home for them at Hillside.  The class is located just off of the Sanctuary, and has access to the small playground area.  We spend time teaching these terrific students all about Jesus who died for them and pray that each one will accept Christ as their Saviour!

1st and 2nd Grades
With Andrea Stark and Eva Yates

Games, excitement, learning, crafts, and songs are just a few words that describe the Primaries Sunday school class at Hillside Baptist Church. During this critical age range, children's ability to memorize Bible verses and to comprehend more significant truths from the Bible really accelerates. Each Sunday morning at 10 a.m., Mrs. Andrea Stark teaches these students all about God's Word.  They meet in the Sunday School Wing Room B2.

3rd and 4th Grades
With Bro. David and Loretta Batson

Third and fourth graders will experience classes and a Junior church service that is as full of energy, excitement, and hope as they are. They will learn powerful truths from the Bible that will stick with them for the rest of their lives. They will memorize Scripture, participate in games, and make great friends.  Bro. David and Loretta Batson help to develop these young boys and girls each Sunday Morning at 10 a.m.  They meet in the Sunday School Wing Room B3.

5th & 6th Grades
With Mary Copeland and Terri Hobbs

The preteen's classes, services, and activities create an unforgettable life-building experience through the big ideas in God's Word, the Bible. Each week preteens will enjoy engaging classes with activities, games, and memorable lessons. On Sundays, during the 11:00 hour they combine for an energetic "Junior Church" for all students 1st–6th grade.  Mary and Terri happily host these energetic students every Sunday at 10 a.m. in the Sunday School Wing Room B4.

Special Needs Ministry

We care deeply about families whose members have special needs. It is our desire that you would find a safe and welcoming environment for all members of your family. Because there are many types of special needs, from developmental, to physical, to emotional, we are prepared to work with you on how to best serve your family. We want all children to learn about God's love for them and the special gift He has given them through His Son.

Primary & Junior Church (Sundays at 11 am)

Our ministry is to provide a service time to kids that is focused on Jesus Christ and is centered around Bible teaching at their level of understanding. Kids will enjoy fun games, good Bible songs, and hear Bible lessons.  

Junior Church meets in the East Chapel at 11:00 am for children grades 1st-6th. Primary Church meets in the Beginner's classroom for children ages preschool through kindergarten.

Master Clubs (Wednesday 6:45 pm)

Every Wednesday night at 6:45 pm Sept-May many children from ages 4-6th grade gather together to Explore our world through God’s Word.

In Master Clubs they will enjoy good Bible songs, recreational activities, snacks and good friends. Most importantly, they will enjoy earning badges as they learn Bible truths and principles in their age appropriate classes. Each Wednesday night children have the opportunity to earn badges and awards, participate in exciting Bible quizzes and games, and hear wonderful stories from the Bible.

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